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Somatics, Embodiment and Intuitive Dance

During the self-discovery course "Somatics, Embodiment and Intuitive Dance" you will try out various methods of working with the body in a personal development context. You will learn to establish contact with the natural intelligence of the body, conduct a dialogue between body and mind and use the body on the way to your personal growth.

Course content


Within the techniques of somatics, embodiment, intuitive dance, contact improvisation and somatic coaching you will find out how dlook for own resources needed for mental and physical balance and how to work with them through body, movement, breath and voice. You will find safety and support in the body, a reliable source of information, an environment for anchoring and integrating experience, a means of arousal and relaxation, and above all a means of self-knowledge and self-expression.


In addition to greater freedom and authenticity in your expression and experience, you will be able to embody a self-coaching process that will give you space to explore your visions and to find answers to questions about your topics. You will have the opportunity to learn to satisfy your needs more self-sufficiently, realize your goals more efficiently, establish internal agreements more functionally and find solutions in everyday life faster based on the information hidden in your body.

Who is the course intended for?


The course is suitable for anyone who wants to get closer to themselves and their body. Previous experience with movementis not necessary.


Place and time


WHEN - Frd 11.10.2023  until 13/12/2023 (8 meetings), every Wednesday from 17:00 to 18:30
Movement LAB, Drieňova 40, 1st floor OC Future


The price

€100 - 8 lessons: early bird when registering until 11/10/2023
€110 - 8 lessons: standard for registration after 11/10/2023
 - 1 lesson: one-time entry


*Mandatory registration in advance




You can register by sending a message to:

Maximum number of participants: 20, minimum: 8

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